Kevin Weber - Pudgy mk2, 4/8/10, 3:16 PM,  8C, 7716x11100 (648+336), 150%, Repro 1.8 v2,   1/8 s, R102.7, G61.4, B78.6

McGuire’s Hat Trick

October 14th 1944. Maj. Thomas McGuire in his P-38 Lightning “Pudgy (v)”

achieves his 3rd aerial victory of the day; a Ki-44 Tojo over Baklikpapan, Indonesia.

With 38 kills Thomas McGuire is the second highest scoring ace in American history,

and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor after his death in combat in 1945.

20 x 30 Canvas Print   $75   


13 x 19 Paper Print   $35